Copyright © 1996-1997 Vitaly Blokhin
This page is a part of Vital Network
Picture Gallery 
A few pictures -- family, friends, places, etc.
Vitaly and an amazing Manhattan view. Hoboken, NJ. 1992
Vitaly near the Lincoln Center in Manhattan. 1990s
The Blokhins' family: Vitaly, Alisa, Yulia. Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. 1990s
Vitaly, Oleg Timofeyev and a piece of the ocean. Famous Brighton Beach boardwalk. 1990s
Archive -- a life story in pictures
Vitaly -- the very first picture. Odessa.
Vitaly with parents.
Lena, Vitaly's mother.
Rudolph, Vitaly's father.
Vitaly -- first grade (Try to find him !). Odessa.
Vitaly with mother. Odessa.
Vitaly -- first steps in music performance. Odessa.
Student Vitaly. Just came back from the BAM (Bajkalo-Amurskaja Magistralx). 1972
Student Vitaly. Moscow. 1974/1975
Yulia playing guitar. Leningrad. 1970s
Vitaly and Yulia are getting married. Odessa. 1975
Vitaly and Yulia's wedding witnessed by mysteriously smiling Yevgeny Kalinsky. Odessa. 1975
Yevgeny and Lyudmila Kalinsky's wedding. Ha, now it's our turn to mysteriously smile ! Moscow. 1976
Yulia and Vitaly. Leningrad. 1980s
"Chudesa"(The Miracles): Vitaly Blokhin(bass guitar), Yevgeny Kalinsky(lead guitar) and co. Moscow, 1974
Vitaly working really hard on a tought computer problem. Leningrad. 1980s
Computer programmer Vitaly with coworkers. Leningrad. 1980s
Vitaly playing electrical guitar. Leningrad. 1980s
"Most"(The Bridge): Vitaly (band leader, keyboards, guitar, vocal), Andrey(bass guitar), Alex(guitar), Gera(vocal), Kolya(drums). Leningrad. 1980s
The rock band leader Vitaly playing and singing. Leningrad. 1980s
Vitaly celebrating the ten year university graduation anniversary. Moscow. 1985
Vitaly -- first American job !.. Hoboken. 1992
Vitaly (father) and Alisa (daughter) after her concert. Manhattan.
Our daughter Alisa's birthday. Manhattan Beach. 1997